Sponsor my Creative Samba newsletter and as a Bonus you get a free banner ad via greatlandingpagecopy.com
I’ll even write the banner ad copy for you (max 80 characters).
Newsletter URL: creativesamba.substack.com
Subscribers: 3236
30 day views: 11.3k
Total traffic (From 01/01/2023 to 04/08/2023): 40,789
30 day open rate: 32.45%
Creative Samba’s audience: Curious marketers, managers and designers who work at companies like Atlassian, booking.com, bolt.eu, Converse, GoodDollar, SKY, Publicis Sapient... And at advertising & creative agencies like FEED/DEPT, FKA agency, Ogilvy Paris, Vye Agency, VCCP London and more.
Your Investment To Sponsor Creative Samba: $1300 (That’s $325 per newsletter, not a bad deal hein?). Interested? Email me at miguel@teardwn.com.
Newsletter URL: creativesamba.substack.com
Creative Samba Stats
Subscribers: 3236
30 day views: 11.3k
Total traffic (From 01/01/2023 to 04/08/2023): 40,789
30 day open rate: 32.45%
Creative Samba’s audience: Curious marketers, managers and designers who work at companies like Atlassian, booking.com, bolt.eu, Converse, GoodDollar, SKY, Publicis Sapient... And at advertising & creative agencies like FEED/DEPT, FKA agency, Ogilvy Paris, Vye Agency, VCCP London and more.
Your Investment To Sponsor Creative Samba: $1300 (That’s $325 per newsletter, not a bad deal hein?). Interested? Email me at miguel@teardwn.com.
What’s in it for your brand?
- 1 Month Sponsorship ad featured in every Creative Samba newsletter I write (This Includes 4 newsletters per month). I’ll even write the ad copy for you.
- Your sponsorship will also stay live forever on each Creative Samba post. You see, Creative Samba is published via Substack. So think of it as more than another ordinary newsletter. Think of it more as a blog but with email. What this means is every email I write stays live forever via Creative Samba’s archive. The result is extra FREE exposure for your brand as I keep promoting old posts throughout the year via Reddit, LinkedIn, and other channels. For example, that's how a newsletter with 3.24k readers had 11.3K views in July 2023. Or almost 41K views from 01/01/2023 to 04/08/2023. Or almost 101k views from 01/01/2022 to 04/08/2023).
- Bonus: Free banner ad via my greatlandingpagecopy.com website. I’ll even write the banner ad copy for you (max 80 characters).
Other Interesting Stats:
Total traffic (From 01/01/2023 to 04/08/2023): 40,789
Total traffic (From 01/01/2022 to 04/08/2023): 100,781
Total traffic (From 01/01/2023 to 04/08/2023): 40,789
Total traffic (From 01/01/2022 to 04/08/2023): 100,781
Total traffic (From 01/01/2023 to 04/08/2023): 40,789