Who the heck created this website?

Hey there. I'm Miguel Ferreira, the guy behind Great Landing Page Copy (formerly known as Nishi).

I run Teardwn, a tiny web copywriting agency that helps
eCommerce brands go Punk when everyone else goes Pop.

But I'm also a solo entrepreneur bootstrapping my own products.

You might remember me as the guy behind:

- Creative Samba - Snackable stories good enough to train your mind to think more like a copywriter. Even better for learning and connecting the unobvious dots between copywriting, marketing and psychology.

- Snackable Copy Tips - Snackable copywriting tips. So you can write copy far more believable, more vivid, more persuasive than anything ChatGPT puts out.

- Copy Ipsum - A template that shows you how to write unignorable landing page copy. Perfect for micro startups & side projects.

-  Oh, for business's sake...write like you talk! (The web copywriting crash course for bootstrapping business owners).

Think More Like a Copywriter eBook - 28 Dangerous ideas to help you think more like a copywriter.

- Dream Football Jobs - Football jobs you never knew existed but are slightly jealous of.

- Chill Music Club - The chillest place on the interwebs to discover new music (without using algorithms).

- The hashtag #ihaveathingforvinyl on Instagram.

Nobody reads websites. People read what interests them. Sometimes it's a website 

Copywriting is the art of writing words to persuade people to do or buy something.

Copywriting influences decisions people make in their everyday life and in business.

And billions of dollars depend on copywriting to make or break a business.

Yet, in 2024 most websites seem to neglect the importance of having a website with good copy.

A website with good copy is a website that:

1. Is easier to read than to ignore.

2. Delivers a crystal clear message...like the waters of the Bahamas.

3. Feels relatable.

4. Speaks your audience's language.

5. Clarifies what the heck it sells, why your brand is the obvious choice for the reader, and how the reader can buy whatever stuff your website is selling.

6. And...persuades the reader to act.

You see, one of the BIG problems with the Internet in 2023 is indifference.

Building a website has never been easier. The problem is that there are now way too many websites and 98% of them look and sound exactly the same.

98% of websites are written to impress clients or to make the writer look good. That's why these sites are plagued with business jargon and full of Me-centric copy. In other words, copy that keeps repeating words like "my / me / I" or "we / our".

Which is an incredibly stupid business decision. Because this kills conversion rates and sales. 

The truth is, good copywriting makes your website (and brand) different and more memorable.

And because you're different, weird or unusual, you stand out from the crowd.

You're the rare pink sheep in a World of white sheeps (Hint: Psychologists call this the Von Restorff effect).

That's why I created Great Landing Page Copy.

This is a fun side-project with a simple goal: to celebrate and showcase websites that are written for the reader.

Websites that are easy to read, feel relatable and sound like a human, not a robot.

I hope this is a useful resource for you and your marketing team.

Your pal,